skicka in film Släpp filen här namn empty email empty JSON syntax varning! Okänd captcha fel! Video Playlist Channel Ads Settings Primary Advertising Disable Google IMA Image HTML5 Video Google Adsense VAST Google IMA - Interactive Media Ads Ad Tag URL - for desktop Ad Tag URL - for tablet Ad Tag URL - for mobile Image Image Source Link Target Ad shows up after [seconds] Example: 0, 40, 150, 368. If blank, defaults to: 0 Skip Ad - Clickable After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 5 Hide Ad After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 10 HTML5 Video Video Source Recommended Format Solution: mp4 + webm + ogg. Link Target Ad shows up after [seconds] Example: 0, 40, 150, 368. If blank, defaults to: 0 Skip Ad - Clickable After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 5 Google Adsense Ad Client ID Ad Slot ID Please choose responsive ad units. Ad shows up after [seconds] Example: 0,40,150,368. If blank, defaults to: 0 Skip Ad - Clickable After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 5 Hide Ad After [seconds] If blank, defaults to: 10 VAST - Only work with Self-hosted video [*.mp4, *.m3u8, *.webm...] VAST preRoll The url of the VAST XML. Please note the VAST tag XML response Content-Type must be either application/xml or text/xml. VAST postRoll The url of the VAST XML. VAST pauseRoll The url of the VAST XML. VAST midRoll [The number of seconds until the ad starts is 10 seconds] The url of the VAST XML.